Essential rabbit food in dry season

Farming Plush


As we all know, during the dry season there is not enough fresh leave for rabbits, And we will need to adjust their diet due to the limited availability of fresh grasses, vegetables, and herbs. It’s important to make sure that rabbits have access to a balanced diet to stay healthy. Here are the best rabbit food that you can provide for your rabbit during the dry season:


Rabbit food

1. Hay (Primary Food Source)

  • Hay Grass (Timothy, Meadow, and Orchard grass) is essential rabbit food, especially during the dry season when fresh leaves are scarce. Give your rabbit access to unlimited hay at all times, and water, as it is essential for digestion and dental health.
  • Alfalfa Hay: It is an excellent rabbit food for young rabbits or rabbits with specific dietary needs. However, it’s not suitable for feeding adult rabbits due to its high percentage of calcium content.

2. Dried Herbs

  • Collect more herbs during the rainy season and hang it to dry for use in the dry season, You can give dried herbs like parsley, basil, oregano, dill, and thyme. Be cautious of dried herbs that might be too concentrated or contain additives.

3. Dried Vegetables

  • Dried vegetables: Rabbits such as carrot topsdandelion leaves, or pumpkin, can give variety and nutrition when fresh vegetables are not available. Make sure they are free of preservatives.

4. Wood and Bark

  • Rabbits love chewing, so providing branches from rabbit-safe trees (like willow, apple, or maple) can keep them entertained and help with their dental health.

5. Fresh Vegetables (If Available)

  • Even in the dry season, some vegetables might still be available in limited quantities, like cabbagespinach, or carrot tops. If you have access to them, It is advisable to offer them in moderation.

6. Commercial Rabbit Pellets

  • High-quality rabbit pellets can be a good supplement for rabbits, but should only be given in small quantities. It is essential that the pellets are high in fiber and don't contain artificial sugars, seeds, or dried fruits.

7. Fruits (Occasionally)

  • Fresh or dried fruits: Rabbit food such as applespearsberries, and bananas can be offered sparingly as a treat. Keep in mind that fruits are high in sugar, so they should be limited to avoid digestive issues.


  • Water: your rabbit must always have access to clean, fresh water, especially during the dry season when they are dehydrated.
  • Variety: Rotate the types of hay from time to time, vegetables, and herbs offered to ensure a diverse, balanced rabbit food.
  • Monitor Health: Monitor your rabbit's weight, droppings, and behavior to ensure they’re eating well during the dry season.

Maintaining a fiber-rich diet (primarily from hay) is key to a rabbit's overall health throughout the year.

Essential Food for Rabbit

Click here for chicken essential feed

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